Consent, fertility treatment and same-sex couples

Case: Re C

Rose-Marie Drury acted for the successful applicant in a case concerning the effect of a clinic’s internal consent form where a same-sex couple had used donor sperm to conceive a child. The consent form had been signed before the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 came into force, and at a time where it was not legally possible to have two female parents where donor sperm had been used. The case, which raised novel issues, was brought by the applicant who wanted clarity in the legal relationship between her former partner and their child.

A link to the judgment can be found here.

  • Rose-Marie Drury

    Principal Associate

    Rose-Marie Drury

    Principal Associate

    • +(44)(03443 276257
    • Contact Rose-Marie

      Contact Rose-Marie Drury


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