You'll usually be responsible for paying your own costs as you go along. If you don't have access to funds of your own, or can't arrange personal borrowing, we can put you in touch with specialist commercial lenders who may be able to finance your case with repayment coming at the end from your financial settlement. Failing that, it may be possible to get a court order for your partner to fund your costs as your case proceeds.
If you have to get a court to make the final decision on your divorce financial settlement, or any specific disputes along the way, and the judge believes that one of you has not acted reasonably, for example by hiding assets, not attempting to negotiate or failing to make sensible offers, the court has the power to order one of you to pay the other's costs. This is not the usual position though and you should plan on paying them yourself.
Our standard practice is to ask for an up front payment on account of £1,000 for clients based in this country and £5,000 for clients abroad.